Sunday, February 21, 2021

Adding More Pieces to the Puzzle

   Hello everyone, I hope my last two blogs gave a better vision for what my group and I have in mind for this film opening and how we intend on creating the mood for it. First, I want to mention that my group and I have been putting together each piece of the puzzle for our film opening through meetings on Discord. Even though it is popularly known for people to communicate while playing video games, it has been extremely helpful for my group as we are able to share our screen, look at past conversations, and feel comfortable in a known website. We are able to send our references and research there so we can look back at another time. Discord is also helpful to have orderly meetings as we can mute one another and lower each others volume if it is too loud. I never thought Discord would be able to help me on a school project like this. 

New Update!

   Secondly, as mentioned before, our character will be scavenging in an empty office building and we want to establish that they have been alone/isolated for a while. We decided that just having them in an empty office would not be enough to put emphasis on the idea of them being in a post-apocalyptic world where they believe they are the last man on earth. Since we revolve around the idea of them being isolated, we needed to come up with props and maybe even makeup to make them seem dirty and not caring much for how they look. We also have access to a drone so we would use that to our benefit to show how beaten up and empty the landscape is. With this, we would also have our character use clothing that looks old and ripped up. This would all add more to our idea of a post-apocalyptic atmosphere. 

   Thirdly, as we were meeting up, we realized we needed to start focusing on what shots we wanted. We had the drone idea and the security camera idea but we need to figure out what else and why those shots would be good for our film opening. The idea of the drone shot came from what we learned in the AICE media course. Establishing the scene is extremely important and could be useful to develop the isolated atmosphere we wanted, this follows with the security camera shot. We learned that having a story or a feeling throughout a piece can leave audiences more intrigued with the result. The idea of the character being watched through the camera would leave our audience questioning what is going on right from the start. In addition to this, we would have several wide shots to show just the main character of our film opening.

   And lastly, I presented the idea, that was mentioned before, of the character having a journal with them to document their experience. This would be important for the ending as, when they hear the train, they would drop the journal. We would focus our camera on the journal heading and use that as the title of our film. This was just an idea I had, we are not sure if it is final, but I thought it would be a nice addition to our piece and it would help us with the decision for a title. So basically that is all I have to update everyone for now, we still have a lot to plan and research so stay tuned for that. 


Babirye, J. (2020, April 17). How filmmakers manipulate our emotions using camera angles and movement. Wolfcrow.

Swift, L. (2017, March 30). Filmmaking 101: Building Suspense. Recording, Radio Film Connection Blog.

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